Two Become Three

The Guild Dumfries Press

This was one of the shots we took at the end of last year to promote our tshirt campaign, we were having way too much fun! It's actually one of our favourites and we think it is the perfect photo to share the news that two have now become three here at The Guild Dumfries C.I.C. Both Kirsten and Leah are delighted to now have Frank Hayes as part of our team of Directors.

"After meeting with Kirsten and Leah and hearing about their plans to create change, to bring community and a heart back to the town I was instantly hooked.

The vision of The Guild is multi layered and has the people of Dumfries at its core. The impact it will have on social health ties in perfectly with the ethos of my Community Interest Company "For Enjoyment".

I feel extremely honoured to be part of the team and hope I can bring something to the table that will help The Guild in its aims. I am very excited about the year ahead."

We officially welcomed Frank, our newly appointed third member to our board meeting last week, the first of the year. It was a positive and successful meeting and a great start to the year ahead with all three of us. The meeting was a chance to really focus on our vision, the measures of our success and the actions we need to make it happen. Atleast in the first quarter!


So much happened in 2018, it was a great opportunity to take some time to reflect, gather our thoughts and refocus. We can't really believe that its very nearly a year since we started our campaign. If you've not followed us from the start then the story so far explains where and why it all started. But if you have been here from the start we want to thank you for sharing our journey in 2018. Of course we also hope you'll stick around in 2019. Your support and encouragement so far has made us feel determined to make a change. Your comments, likes, shares, conversations and messages have kept us going and inspired us to keep doing what we do.


We will be announcing news on how you too could become part of the team. As part of our meeting last week we discussed what skills our current team have and indentified the skills and expertise we needed to deliver and action our plans. So we are now on the hunt for board members who would love to join our team and feel as passionate about our vision as we do. Once details are finalised we will advertise this opportunity so please do sign up to our mailing list or get in touch if you'd be interested in finding out more. We will also be asking our supporters to become a  Friend of The Guild, more details about this will be coming soon. But until then if you'd love to get involved you can volunteer your time and skills, there's also a tick box to say you'd be interested in joining our board.


We can't wait to share our plans with you and we are excited and determined to work and deliver our ambitious plans. Who knows what 2019 will bring but we are happy you want to share this adventure with us. Hello 2019! 

The Guild Dumfries Community Volunteer